Patch Installation Instructions: Here are the instructions for manually loading the patch file into the release directory: 1. Create a PATCHES sub-directory in the FRADMAN\RELEASE\PRODUCT directory under the specific release number. In this example, you would create the following directory structure for a 4 meg 2218 3XX Conversion Node with R6.501 software: C:\FRADMAN\RELEASE\22183FR6\R6.501\PATCHES To install a patch for an 8 meg 2218 3XX you would create the directory structure as follows: (Please note you would have to have a different patch for an 8 meg system) C:\FRADMAN\RELEASE\22185FR6\R6.501\PATCHES 2. Once you have created the directory copy the new patch file into the patches directory. C:\FRADMAN\RELEASE\22185FR6\R6.501\PATCHES\P651.PCH In this case the patch file is P651.PCH. 3. With patch file copied into the patches directory, you can now go to the Configuration Editor and from the unit screen select the patch option. 4. The patch option will display a window that has a list of compiled patches available for the code release selected. Select the patch you want loaded and FRADMANAGER will automatically load the patch. 5. Be aware the unit will reboot to activate the patch. If you have any questions, please contact 1-800-IBM-SERV (1-800-426-7378).